Ok..Today is the end of term 2.
A lot of students may feel relief or rather ' OMG my holiday has reached upon meee!'
However, this is not a case to me. =(
I have flung my GP common test today!!
Arghhhhh!! ii just can't understand the passage in detail.
The only thing ii know in general is about family and divorce
I don't know whats the link between 'nuclear family' and 'divorce'
The question want challenges faced, but ii don't know what are the challenges in the passage!
I don't think ii can even get 25% of the whole compre paper.
My answers were in a total rubbish!
I just do not know what to do man....
Then after our test at 5.30pm, we go back our CA1 result slip.
Not a very good thing to see too.
It's just so weird.
In secondary school, usually boys are the majority ones who don't score well for exams and test.
However, majority who scored quite a number of As are the boys!!
They are just SO clever!~
OMG i NEED to buck up!
Never say die.
But for GP..Haish ii don't know.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Back to the past. xD
After think back about the past, ii really need to say these out.
I missed the past, my class, my friends....
I still can remember, but vaguely and fragmented, that jokes and laughters filled in the air in our classroom all the time. Lessons are always lessons. We could sometimes lesson attentively, but most of the time, 'smoke' would appear out of teachers' ears and nostrils( xD *Hahas*). There will always be 3 troublemakers; Gilbert, Nevin and Daniel. They will always make fun of people, teachers, friends etc. Hahas esp towards mrs Ramesh. Hahahas if those who are in my class should know what i meant.
During PE lesson in JJ, ii remembered the fun time i had with my friends in BLSS. We had fun all together, even though we didn't play a particular game together as a class. When we were played captains ball, we would always cheered like mad women when we score every goals. Hahas, even though mdm Rohimah hates that screeching cheers, like what Hadhinah always did, but we still continue as the way we were. (lols!)
We always have to stay in our class, waiting for our next lesson to start and teacher to come.
- Some will do their homework intelligently, like Diana ;D
- Funny laughters could be heard, like FANCY NG!! xD
- some of the boys will full around in and out of the classroom, like MAD MONKEYS!
-Some would chitchat happily,like hilary,Hairizad, Deena, Yeeleng and friends; Juliana,xinyi,Yuxian and friends.
I just do not know why ii remembered about the past now! =D ii just miss BLSS,feeling like want to go back to the past!.. as it's totally different from JJC.... beside having teachers and students and the facilities in the school.
Hmm...Actually ii shouldn't say that ii really want to go back to the past...cos ii do still remember the bad things that had happen to me. and ii feel that it shouldn't be happening to me at all. It change my life even though i'm not guilty. ii just couldn't understand why they are always right, and my words just can't be believe. Why must u listen to those we are not truthful? Why don't u believe me? Why must u accuse me at that time? Why must u do this to me? and another thing..Why do i have to help u gain ur happiness in the first place?
Do u know. U nearly strangled my life,with all the attacking words that you've said. You've disturb my sec sch life....Ask you where u heard from, u wouldn't want to tell me. And ii still treat u as my friend before this happened.
Now,I'm just pretending ii don't care, ii had forgotten.
Hahas but just to let u know. Even though hurt had healed, but scar will always remain. I don't forgive those people who pulled me down.
I missed the past, my class, my friends....
I still can remember, but vaguely and fragmented, that jokes and laughters filled in the air in our classroom all the time. Lessons are always lessons. We could sometimes lesson attentively, but most of the time, 'smoke' would appear out of teachers' ears and nostrils( xD *Hahas*). There will always be 3 troublemakers; Gilbert, Nevin and Daniel. They will always make fun of people, teachers, friends etc. Hahas esp towards mrs Ramesh. Hahahas if those who are in my class should know what i meant.
During PE lesson in JJ, ii remembered the fun time i had with my friends in BLSS. We had fun all together, even though we didn't play a particular game together as a class. When we were played captains ball, we would always cheered like mad women when we score every goals. Hahas, even though mdm Rohimah hates that screeching cheers, like what Hadhinah always did, but we still continue as the way we were. (lols!)
We always have to stay in our class, waiting for our next lesson to start and teacher to come.
- Some will do their homework intelligently, like Diana ;D
- Funny laughters could be heard, like FANCY NG!! xD
- some of the boys will full around in and out of the classroom, like MAD MONKEYS!
-Some would chitchat happily,like hilary,Hairizad, Deena, Yeeleng and friends; Juliana,xinyi,Yuxian and friends.
I just do not know why ii remembered about the past now! =D ii just miss BLSS,feeling like want to go back to the past!.. as it's totally different from JJC.... beside having teachers and students and the facilities in the school.
Hmm...Actually ii shouldn't say that ii really want to go back to the past...cos ii do still remember the bad things that had happen to me. and ii feel that it shouldn't be happening to me at all. It change my life even though i'm not guilty. ii just couldn't understand why they are always right, and my words just can't be believe. Why must u listen to those we are not truthful? Why don't u believe me? Why must u accuse me at that time? Why must u do this to me? and another thing..Why do i have to help u gain ur happiness in the first place?
Do u know. U nearly strangled my life,with all the attacking words that you've said. You've disturb my sec sch life....Ask you where u heard from, u wouldn't want to tell me. And ii still treat u as my friend before this happened.
Now,I'm just pretending ii don't care, ii had forgotten.
Hahas but just to let u know. Even though hurt had healed, but scar will always remain. I don't forgive those people who pulled me down.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Talentime 2010!!

Yesterday was JJ Talentime finals!!
Hahas Thanks everyone,especially whom ii and we knew, supported us. Even though we didn't get 1st in place, but ii do feel that we had give in all our best and there shouldn't be any regrets in our minds. It's just a small competiton , thats all. Hahas. But i'm sure we,all the singers and dance members do have a great time at Republic Poly!! I would like to congrats all the winners esp who are in the 1st place. Especially,the Ruggers, who won the Overall Champion. =D Congratulations!!
Good job all the finalists!! xD
Hahas Thanks everyone,especially whom ii and we knew, supported us. Even though we didn't get 1st in place, but ii do feel that we had give in all our best and there shouldn't be any regrets in our minds. It's just a small competiton , thats all. Hahas. But i'm sure we,all the singers and dance members do have a great time at Republic Poly!! I would like to congrats all the winners esp who are in the 1st place. Especially,the Ruggers, who won the Overall Champion. =D Congratulations!!
Good job all the finalists!! xD
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
11 of us went to Bugis to watch IRONMAN 2 instead of Vivo, as there will be no seats available.
Hmm the movie is ok, some of the parts are quite funny, and also interesting.
Just like the some kind of story...Hero survives-Villian dies.
Hahas lols hmm after the movie, we had our dinner and went home.
Haish...sian...cos school starts the next day of the week
lols i'm still just in my lala land, day-dreaming...
Tired Tired Tired...
But still, ii just can't wait for the day to come...The Talentime!!!!
We had our rehearsal in Republic poly, from 2+ till 8.00 then leave the school.
By the time ii reached home, 9+ already.
Even though i'm tired, ii still have to study alittle.
Tell me?? How to make me feel awake even though i'm very tired?
But nevermind =D
ii just hope that our dance will go SMOOTHLY!!
Looking forward to JJ Talentime 2010!! xD
Got to do my work now!! Byees
11 of us went to Bugis to watch IRONMAN 2 instead of Vivo, as there will be no seats available.
Hmm the movie is ok, some of the parts are quite funny, and also interesting.
Just like the some kind of story...Hero survives-Villian dies.
Hahas lols hmm after the movie, we had our dinner and went home.
Haish...sian...cos school starts the next day of the week
lols i'm still just in my lala land, day-dreaming...
Tired Tired Tired...
But still, ii just can't wait for the day to come...The Talentime!!!!
We had our rehearsal in Republic poly, from 2+ till 8.00 then leave the school.
By the time ii reached home, 9+ already.
Even though i'm tired, ii still have to study alittle.
Tell me?? How to make me feel awake even though i'm very tired?
But nevermind =D
ii just hope that our dance will go SMOOTHLY!!
Looking forward to JJ Talentime 2010!! xD
Got to do my work now!! Byees
Monday, May 3, 2010
We had been busying with Talentime for the whole week!!
The Talentime is held only within the school, competing with other participants in the school
My dance members and i were in the finals, which will be held on 7th May, at Republic Poly.
There will be solo singers and group singers as well..
Hahas we really hope that we can get the 1st prize in the dance catagory
Hahas lols just pray and work hard ba =)
Wednesday we'll be going to Republic poly to have our reheasal in their theatre.
I'm looking forward and excited to see the hall there.
On Saturday, 1st May, after phy remedial, Yukie and HuiYun came to my house for lunch.
At first, we wanted to study together.
However, it' just only 1/2 and hour, we felt very tired.
So to energise ourselves, we watch tv, had snacks.
Along with such a humid weather on that day, we intend not to continue to study and continue watching tv.
They came here from 2 till 8pm, but we had done nothing. Lols nvm just take it as bonding session with them la =D
Hahahas today is my BROTHER'S birthday =D
My family and ii will be going to VivoCity to have our dinner as to celefrate Maynard's Bday!
Before that , ii will be going with Huiyun, Yukie, Edwin lai, Weiquan, Benson, Zhiwei, Tri, Nhan, Thao and Jinyan to watch IRONMAN 2 at there.
HAhas which also means that ii'll be at there 1/2 of the day!!
Lols wondering later will there be any seats left...as we didn't book tickets.
lols =))
The Talentime is held only within the school, competing with other participants in the school
My dance members and i were in the finals, which will be held on 7th May, at Republic Poly.
There will be solo singers and group singers as well..
Hahas we really hope that we can get the 1st prize in the dance catagory
Hahas lols just pray and work hard ba =)
Wednesday we'll be going to Republic poly to have our reheasal in their theatre.
I'm looking forward and excited to see the hall there.
On Saturday, 1st May, after phy remedial, Yukie and HuiYun came to my house for lunch.
At first, we wanted to study together.
However, it' just only 1/2 and hour, we felt very tired.
So to energise ourselves, we watch tv, had snacks.
Along with such a humid weather on that day, we intend not to continue to study and continue watching tv.
They came here from 2 till 8pm, but we had done nothing. Lols nvm just take it as bonding session with them la =D
Hahahas today is my BROTHER'S birthday =D
My family and ii will be going to VivoCity to have our dinner as to celefrate Maynard's Bday!
Before that , ii will be going with Huiyun, Yukie, Edwin lai, Weiquan, Benson, Zhiwei, Tri, Nhan, Thao and Jinyan to watch IRONMAN 2 at there.
HAhas which also means that ii'll be at there 1/2 of the day!!
Lols wondering later will there be any seats left...as we didn't book tickets.
lols =))
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