Hihiies!! ii've came back home frm camp!!(3days 2nights)
1st DAY:We had ice breaker,knowing my friend's names.lols.
Then we had our 1st mass dance and then games activities by our orientation grp leaders(OGLs).
Oh ya btw,my class ogls are Wanting,Willa and Philip.=)
After our lunch,we had another mass dance and games activities...
it was really fun =DAs for the dance ,we had to dance with an opposite partner!!
omg lols many of us are damn SHY!!
Ahahas...yaya my partner,which ii do not knw what are their names,are shy too...lols..
After our lunch,we had song singing.it was really fun.
But too bad,ii'm not with my boonlayian friends...=(...
Thn we had our wash up and off to bed(in the hall)...zzzZ
2nd DAY:The next morning,we had our morning exercise then breakfast.Then,we had our mass dance 3..lols That day's dance is really difficult to follow..in the end,ii and zhiguang,my partner of the day,dance like blur SOTONGS =P wakakas lol jkjk!!Then we also had competition between 4 families.We had our outdoor games which had been set up by our OGLs.Suddenly ,rain fell frm the sky.Woohoo!!so fun!Soap and bubbles are everywhere!!water bombs are threw everywhr on our bodies.Lols i'm drench,hais was full of soap gel,body with soapy bubbles....Even though ii felt so yucky,but ii felt so happy and fun at the same time!!HAHASAt night,we had our JJ NIGHT!
The hall was full of balloons,tables are are all line 3 or 4 rows frm the stage.
All of us hold on to our lights sticks,waving in the air which the concert is going on.
Our OGLS performed 4 dances for us.
ii just love the dances SOOOOOOO much!!!So cool.
We had a romantic couple dance and song singing too.
Then,ii saw hilary with gabriel.ii'm so happy to see them!!
lols bt ii did not dance with a guy,bt my new friend,yuting =)..
..lols no guys want us...sobsob xP.
This night is the BEST!!!!!
3rd DAY:The 3rd day,which means today.We had area cleaning in our respective area.Then,we also played musical chairs in a classroom.One of my classmate,which ii had forgot his name,was so damn funny!...As he lost the game,he was forfit by dancing...he was really good in dancing ,but in a very funny and crazy way...xD ii just couldn't stop laughing for 1/2 an hour!HAHAS.Then we had our final debrief in the hall abt our camp.
ii am just so gratefull and touched by wat our OGLS,which are our seniors in JC2,tat they had put in alot of effort for this camp.Instead of studying and getting prepared for their A'lvls,They had spent LOTS of time in plotting and creating activities.Thankyou OGLs!ii hope Tat u will score with flying colours for ur A'lvls...okay Jiayoujiayou!!!