Saturday, September 26, 2009

Heyhey what a bright & sunny m0rning!!
Haha ytd my family & ii had a great meal..& ii had spaghetti (yumyum!)
l0l thn when we were abt 2g0,ii saw my physics tut0r!
What a c0incidence right??
We've sitted there 4so0 l0ng,& yet ii still d0nt kn0w he's thr xD
l0ls ii & my br0 greeted him & we went 0ff...
We went 2 Haagen Daz ,2have 0ur ice-cream delight !
It's yummy..but expensive hahaxp...
After we're finish 0ur last sp00n 0f icecream,we b0ught s0me tubs 0f icecream n went back h0me..
My br0 ,sis & ii had b0ught mum a hp chain
H0pe tat she likes it=))
Haha n0w iim g0nna d0 my w0rk...bbyezz


Friday, September 25, 2009

Mummy's Bday!!

Yes Yes YES!!
Prelim is g0ing t0 end so0n...left with my c0m-science p1 =D
T0day ,i stay at h0me all day...s0 si0k!n0 exam l0r haha
T0day is als0 25sept which is Mum's bday!!
*[Happy birthday Mummy!!Muackss!!<3]*
We are g0ing 2 jp t0 have 0ur diiner later,as t0 celebrate 0ur mum's bday
'Newy0rkNewy0rk' is the ch0ice tat she she want t0 use free v0uchers tat she had.
But my br0 felt..hmm s0 called sian 0r the feeling 0f 'wat again??'
l0ls we had ate there just last 2wks ag0..if im n0t wr0ng..
11sep,tat was the day we had it f0r my sis bday[her bday:14sept]
Haha t0 wat ii feel..the fo0d there are acceptable.ii like their p0tat0es =D

Later g0iing t0 tuiti0n at 5pm with my sis
Can't wait 4the time 2fly pass and have my 'yummyummy'dinner later!!
But really time flies really fast!!
ii still had left 28 DAYS t0 my 0's!!
Wah iim still n0t yet prepared,h0w??
ii m0re pig brain!!l0ls